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    • check the display unit of [cell size] from the pop-up menu displayed by right-clicking on the [memory browser] view.

      if the display unit is 1 byte, the same image as the actual memory is displayed in bytes.
      if the display unit is 2 bytes or more, it will be displayed for each set unit. for example, if the display unit is 2 bytes, the value for 2 bytes is displayed by swapping the upper 1 byte and the lower 1 byte.
    • products: general-purpose mcus (16bit)
    • select "project explorer" from [window] > [show view].

      when using the lexide-u16,
      select [project explorer] from [window] > [show view] > [other...] > [general].

      when using the lexide-ω,
      select [window]>[show view]>[project explorer].
    • products: general-purpose mcus (16bit)
    • it is possible.
      the ml62q1000 series synchronous serial port (ssio) generates sclk/sin/sout.
      chip select (cs) for spi communication should be generated in software using a general purpose port.
    • products: ml62q1000 series (u16 core)
    • lexide-ω is upward compatible with lexide-u16.
      when using a lexide-u16 project with the lexide-ω, convert it to a lexide-ω project.
      please follow the steps below to convert to a lexide-ω project.
       1) select the project and right click
       2) select [configure] from the pop-up menu
       3) select [converter to lexide-ω project]
      note that lexide-ω projects cannot be used with the lexide-u16.
      when converting a leixde-u16 project for lexide-ω, save the original project before converting.
    • products: general-purpose mcus (16bit)
    • lexide-u16 window position information is stored in the workspace ".metadata\.plugins" folder.
      if you use the windows standard zip function ([right-click] > [send to] > [compressed (zipped) folder]) in explorer to compress a zip file, some parts of the linux format folder starting with a dot are not compressed.
      in this case, extracting the zip file and opening it with lexide-u16 will reset the window position information.
      if you want to compress the workspace, please use a compression application that supports linux format folders such as 7-zip or lhaplus.
    • products: microcontrollers (mcus)
    • the method to redisplay the "select a directory as workspace" dialog is as follows.
      1. select [window] > [preferences] from the lexide-u16 main menu.
      2. select [general] > [startup and shutdown] > [workspaces] from the left panel of the [preferences] dialog.
      3. enable the [prompt for workspace on startup] checkbox.
    • products: microcontrollers (mcus)
    • it is assumed that no debug information is included.
      please check "compile/assemble options" and "target options" in ideu8.

      [compile/assemble options]
      check "print debug information" in the "general" tab.

      [target option]
      check "print debug information" in the "general" tab.

      after setting the above, build again and restart dtu8.
    • products: microcontrollers (mcus)
    • code generation tools (startup config tool/peripheral config tool) plug-ins are not compatible with lexide-ω.
      for this reason, lexide-ω does not appear in the selection items of the lapis menu.
      we apologize for the inconvenience, but please start each tool from the windows start menu.

      [ml62q1000 series]
      in the windows start menu "laps code generation tools",
      select "ml62q1000 startup config tool" and "ml62q1000 peripheral configuration tool".

      [ml62q2000 series]
      in the windows start menu "laps code generation tools",
      select "startup config tool" and "peripheral config tool".

      after creating a project with the above setting tool, it can be started by double-clicking the project file (*1) displayed in the lexide-ω project tree.

      *1: ml62q1000: *.coprj/*.pcprj
      ml62q2000: *.lucprj/*.lumprj
    • products: general-purpose mcus (16bit)
    • transition to $$brk_reset,$$error in the startup file (*.asm) occurs when the brk instruction (0xffff) is executed.
      addresses to which no instruction is assigned are filled with 0xffff, so it seems that for some reason this address was executed and transitioned to $$brk_reset, $$error.
      as a possible cause,
      ・interrupt vector is not defined
      ・a branch destination (function) such as an indirect call is not defined
      ・interrupts are enabled within interrupt functions that disable multiple interrupts
      ・stack overflow occurs
      and so on.
      please check if any of the above apply.
      transitions can be easily checked using the branch trace function of the on-chip emulator.
    • products: general-purpose mcus (16bit)
showing 1 to 10 of 353
of 36